En la página web www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00319406/101/supp/S1
tenemos acceso a todos los resúmenes del World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2015, que se celebró en Singapur.
Entre otros resúmenes nos encontramos con:
- Advocacy in physical therapy: strategies for individuals and organisations.
- Integrating evidence into lower limb prosthetis rehabilitation in today's world.
-Chronic respiratory disease: high-quality evidence supports greater physitherapy intervention.
- Frontiers in clinical trials.
- Meeting the global challenge of pain education for physical therapists.
- ICCRPT: Exercise training/rehabilitation for people with special helth needs.
- Strength training in physical therapy.
- Stratified models of care for low back pain.
- Rehabilitation and Parkinson's disease: exercise is an important as medication.
-Best practice for arm recovery post stroke: an international application.
-Tendinopathy rehabilitation and "tickets" to treatment.
- Effectiveness of a program of reeducation oculo-cervical procedures for chronic neck pain.
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